Tuesday, December 18, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Day 17: Please Stop Dressing Up Your Pets for Christmas (or any other holiday)

Yes, it's cute to put a dog or cat in a fluffy Santa outfit or make them look like an elf. However, the pets never look happy in this scenario. I'm just saying. Unless you want to avoid getting your bed peed in or your favorite pair of expensive shoes turned into the latest chew toy, I suggest you cease and desist post haste!

"Why must you do this to me?!"

"If you knew what was good for you, you'd get that camera out of my face and take this damn hat off!"

"I so want to scratch your eyes out right now!"

"God, I hate you more than words can possibly describe!"

"Take a peak at my eyes: does it LOOK like I'm f*cking enjoying this?!"

"We're far too tired to protest to this ignorance."

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