Monday, November 19, 2012

Blogging is Hard Work

I know this sounds like a big joke to some people, but it's a reality. Blogging is difficult. It's a pain to try to think of something witty and creative to write about every day or a few days a week. It can be quite a feat to keep your audience interested in your blog while also attempting to draw in new readers. In this world of social media, nobody wants to be written off as irrelevant or inconsequential. Thanks to sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, people's entire identities are wrapped up in whether someone liked their status update, retweeted some asinine tweet of theirs, or favorited a picture they posted of the sun shining through the autumn leaves on a tree. Who we are online has become an extension of our personalities and lives. Blogging is no different.

This blog is very much a part of who I am. The past year and some change that I've been writing BlackGirlNerd has been a lesson to others in the variety of things that interest me. It's a reflection of my character and all around nuttiness that encompasses ME (f-bombs and all.) The purpose of my referencing other social media is because I use it to connect friends and strangers to my blog. Without it, I would find it quite challenging to spread the word of BlackGirlNerd to others. I would have to resort to *gasp* posting flyers and handing out business cards. The horror!

My biggest challenge is thinking of something new and interesting to blog about. By interesting, I mean something that will hold MY interest long enough for me to write a coherent blog entry about it. I have dozens of ideas to blog about, but very few of them make the cut. My dilemma is further compounded by the lack of traffic to my blog. While I do have a decent-sized audience, I don't have a large number of dedicated followers to give me constructive feedback on what works and what doesn't work with BlackGirlNerd. Clearly, I'm doing something wrong with my blog, be it content, design, or advertising of the blog itself. Once I get an idea of what my audience truly appreciates about my blog and what it would take to entice more to follow me, then I will have a much easier time with blogging.


  1. Hey girlee :) I know we have similarly titled blogs, but I still think you have a great deal of potential on your blog. I agree. it's really hard to manage a blog and it's even harder to keep it interesting with new content. If you want to create more mass appeal with your blog I would recommend using social media to your advantage. It's just the times we live in now, and the only way to market yourself is to create as much visibility as possible!

    I would also offer your readers the opportunity to contribute to your blog. Or offer to write for other bloggers and ask them to link your site. They key is being as social as possible with the web world. As far as web design is concerned, you can always check out Google for several Blogger templates. I use a simple Blogger template on mine. Eventually I'd like to advance to Wordpress since it looks more like a website than a blog.

    Keep up the good work girlee. I love your voice.

  2. Hi! I just find your blog and i love it! :D i'm totally agree with you and i think the same about bloggig. Infact, my last post is about plant and rain out of my window! And all my blog is based on the fact that everything we can see out can change our day and our day's mood! :) see you soon, kisses from Italy! :)

  3. Hey!

    That cartoon is SPOT ON 85% of the time. There's so much that I want to say and yet...

    Nice to meet you.


Thanks for commenting. Remember, keep it nerdy!