Saturday, December 22, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Day 20: Television Midseason Hiatus a.k.a. the Suckiest Part of the Holidays

I always look forward to Fall Premiere season for television networks. You finally get the answers that have been bothering you from April and May when the shows had their season finales. You're wondering how the cliffhangers turn out and whether certain characters stay together or if a certain favorite character survives. Love the network television season! I hate the midseason hiatus during the holiday season. This has become a ratings grabber for networks the past few seasons. They're all actually using the term MIDSEASON FINALE because they know more people will tune in if they heavily advertise the last episode before the holiday as a "finale." Nice try network execs.

I hate that my holiday season is blighted by the fact that all my favorite shows are gone for a whole month. Generally, these shows always end on some sort of cliffhanger that makes the waiting all the more difficult. The longest wait that I have? The Walking Dead. That damn show isn't coming back until February! What the eff in the name of all that is good and holy?! I have to wait more than two months to find out what happens to Darryl and Merle?! Not amused...

While I understand that television programming during the holidays is dominated by Christmas-themed shows and specials, that's not a good enough excuse. The networks don't showcase theses programs every single night. The episodes they'll be airing in January after the holidays are over have already been filmed. Due to the holidays, the cast and crew of these shows don't film any new episodes during this hiatus. Which means that after they air the last of the episodes they filmed BEFORE Christmas, there will be yet another hiatus this one even longer in some cases. Grey's Anatomy is quite famous for having more than one hiatus during their season as a means of stretching the episodes out until May Sweeps.

Considering how mine and other viewers displeasure at these television hiatuses matters very little to studio heads, I'm pretty much wasting my breath. This is merely my means of voicing an opinion of how my holidays are generally tainted by the lack of my favorite shows. *sad face*

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