Sunday, December 2, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Day 2: Stop Telling Me 'Happy Kwanzaa!"

I feel like an idiot for not knowing what this holiday is about.

Yes, I am a black person. Yes, I am very liberal about people celebrating whatever holiday they want to. However, I'm going to have to ask white people to stop responding with "Happy Kwanzaa" in a fake upbeat voice whenever I tell them Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. I'm not racist, nor am I against this strictly African-American holiday. I just don't celebrate Kwanzaa. I don't even know what the point of it is. My ignorance of a part of Black heritage is my business but I find it very annoying and borderline racist for whites to assume ALL black people celebrate it.

I get that it's well-meaning to want to be all-inclusive and recognize parts of Black culture, but it's a bit odd to have a perfect stranger cheerfully tell you "HAPPY KWANZAA!" just because you're black. White people, you have my permission to say Merry Christmas or, if you're not sure what I celebrate, Happy Holidays! The next non-black person that tells me Happy Kwanzaa will get their feelings hurt!

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