Saturday, December 1, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Day 1: The Christmas Month Begins!

My boyfriend's pretty Christmas tree.

We can start worrying about CHRISTMAS! Poor Thanksgiving. No one gave much of a crap about it. The days leading up to Halloween, I was already seeing Christmas decorations out in the stores. Where were all the decorations for Thanksgiving? Oh, there aren't any because all anyone cares about doing for Thanksgiving is stuffing their faces. So all the grocery stores had sales on turkeys and other Thanksgiving accoutrements. Well, not to worry. Our guilt at ignoring Thanksgiving is over.

Finally, we are free to put up the decorations, start playing the music, and of course, start viewing the Christmas movies! Since my 31 Days of Halloween series was so popular, I've decided to do a similar one for Christmas.  I shall do at least one Christmas-themed blog entry every day leading up to Christmas Day. Hope you all will be patient with me as we struggle through this lesson in writing endurance yet again.

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