Monday, December 17, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Day 14: Christmas Parties, Oh How I love Them!

There's something quite fun and festive about dressing up and gathering a few folks around your beautifully decorated home. Christmas lights sparkling, eggnog (gag) being poured, good conversation, the warm smells of a fireplace. It's just like something out of a Readers' Digest photo.    My dream Christmas party is just like that, minus the eggnog. Not like the work Christmas parties I've frequented which were depressing or boring. Why couldn't I have gone to a Christmas party like the ones I've heard of where people are having a great time taking shots with their boss and Xeroxing their butts?! Holidays and alcohol seem to be a wonderful equalizer in the office environment where for one day a year, everyone gets to let their hair down and rock out. You must take care not to get TOO crazy, though. People have actually lost their jobs because of their behavior at office parties. Reputations have been ruined, pensions lost, all because the CEO caught you making the beast with two backs with his secretary on top of his desk. Tsk tsk tsk. That's a no-no.

When it comes to holiday parties or any party in general, I prefer to let my freak flag fly when I'm in the company of my fellow freaks, a.k.a. my friends. I never would allow myself to get out of control at an office function where my conduct is being judged by the powers that be. Having a few drinks is one thing, but having so many that you decide to go streaking with nothing to protect your modesty but pages from a word-a-day calender is foolish. 5 drinks throughout the course of several hours is okay. 5 drinks in the course of a half hour is borderline alcoholic.

So this year, you won't catch me at any Christmas party that's being thrown in a professional environment drinking like a lush and behaving like a slutty sorority girl. I do what Diddy said and I drink responsibly in order to maintain my sexy during those events. If I'm at a private house party with all my favorite Christmas trappings? Well, then it's fair game.

Some friends and I during a Christmas horror movie marathon night.

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