Sunday, December 23, 2012

25 Days of Christmas - Day 23: My Christmas Presents So Far

Christmas came early for me this year. Since my boyfriend and I won't be able to spend Christmas together, he gave me my presents earlier this weekend. As for my parents? Well, they gave me something I needed: car maintenance. Yep, one of my (many) Christmas presents from my parents is new tires and an a realignment. That might seem stupid to others, but I'm over the moon. Have you purchased new tires lately?! Those suckers are expensive! Considering the fact that my parents are willing to fork over a few hundred dollars to maintain their grown-up daughter's car counts me pretty lucky. I don't want material things. I have more than enough dvds, a closet packed with clothes that I never wear with the tags still on some of them, an iPhone, a back-up iPod, a laptop, a flat screen tv, a kick-ass DVD player, DVR, and a piano with a trunk full of sheet music. As far as material things that I don't need, I'm set. However, I DO need a car to get around for professional reasons. I'm afraid to drive too far from home or drive anywhere too late at night by myself due to the fact my tires could go on me at any time. When my stepfather asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I was honest and said I don't WANT anything because I have too many vital things that I NEED. Last year it was new brakes and rotars on my car. This year is tires. My parents (my stepdad especially) are more than happy to provide me with that because they're impressed I'm putting the important things in life over stupid little toys. Even though I've matured since I was younger, I'm still happy with the material things my boyfriend bought me:

My boyfriend totally understands my love of cooking and particularly, my love of collecting cookbooks I can learn something from. I've been coveting the hard copy of this cookbook for over a year now so my boyfriend came through and got it for me. It's a great reference book for cooking. I was shocked by discovering certain things I had been doing wrong all along (such as how to make a proper beurre blanc.) I suggest not buying this retail. It's cheaper if you order it new on Amazon or Barnes and Noble online -- Barnes & Noble $75 

My other love that my boyfriend is completely supportive of is my Downton Abbey obsession. I am absolutely head over heels for this show and I'm attempting to convert him to the series. Since I already have the first two seasons on DVD the third season hasn't been released in the U.S. yet, he was pretty confused what to get me that was Downton-themed. Somehow, he settled on this beautiful wall calendar because he saw me looking at it in a store. He's so sweet and he did good this Christmas! This calendar is easily available in stores or at Shop PBS. -- Shop PBS $14.99

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