Monday, August 26, 2013

Cooking as a hobby

Cooking has become my new hobby. I find myself getting excited at trying new recipes to test out on friends and family. Today I ventured into pie-making territory. I'm not just talking about buying the frozen crusts or the box mixes then adding canned pie filling to them. I actually made my own crust from scratch utilizing a food processor. The result? Delicious, flaky, buttery goodness. I don't know why I was afraid for so many years to make crust from scratch nor do I understand why my mother refuses to do it for her pies. Ok, yes, rolling the dough out is time-consuming and messy but it's so freaking easy. Making that crust was easier than the scones I made last week. It's also easier than any Creole dish I've ever made. My mother does gumbo from scratch which is an all-day process yet she finds pie crust far too daunting?! Trust me, it's not that hard to do and the reward makes it all worth it. I was so proud of how the crust turned out with the pie that I'm finding the courage to tackle croissants and puff pastry. Now THAT fills me with fear and dread the likes of which my inner Betty Crocker has never seen!

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